references as a dancer / CV tänzerin
employment as a dancer / anstellungen als tänzerin
currently / gegenwärtig
Dancer for Gypsy Festival Zürich/Bern/Rapperswil
Internship as directing assistant for Mahagonny
Direction: Sebastian Baumgarten
Opera House Zürich
up to now / bisher
Ticino in Danza with the creation SPUREN
Guest Performance ENTRE DEUX, Theater am Gleis, Winterthur
File Rouge, Tanzparcours for Tanzfest Zürich
Dancer for the Opera Macbeth
Opera house Zürich
Scholarship from Tanzzeitfestival Winterthur
for Workshop with Katie Duck
Duett with Tonatiuh Diaz
Choreography: Mirjam Barakar/Tonatiuh Diaz
for Zürich Tanzt!
for Gallery "Living Sculpture" - Zürich
Dancer for SASSA
Worldmusic Band
Tournee all over Switzerland
Workshops for pubic schools
Cie Solodanza am Werk
Choreographie Jacqueline Pasanisi
Tanzzeitfestival Winterthur
Perform now! Winterthur
Cie Dysoundbo
Choreographer: Linda Magnifico (CH)
Tournee Switzerland 2013/14/15
Production: "Darf ich bitten...?
Al-Andalus Dance Company (Madrid, ESP)
Directed by Nesma Al-Andalus
Egyptian Folklore Ballett
Dysoundbo Dance Company (CH)
Choreographer: Linda Magnifico
Contemporary dance Company based in Lucerne/Switzerland
Tournee Switzerland 2013/2014/2015
Production: "Darf ich bitten...?"
RJ Dance Company, (CH)
Choreographie: Remo Jost
Deep Emotions dance Company, (CH)
Choreographer: Nicole Soltermann
Production: Momo
Al-Andalus Dance Company, (Madird, ESP)
Choreographies from Mahmoud Redha (Egypt)
Annalies Preisig Company Produktion: Daces of Egypt
Choreographer Annalies Preisig
Production: Creation of Haydn
Role: Eve (Adam & Eve)
L.E.S. dance Company, Bern/Switzerland
Choreographer: Nicole Voyat
Production: Soif
Manuel Accard Dance Company, Neuchâtel/Schweiz
Choreographer: Manuel Accard
Luciano di Natale dance Company, Zürich/Schweiz
Choreographer: Luciano di Natale
Production: I will survive
Khaled Seif Company (CH/DE)
Production: "Künstlercafè"
Choreographies from: Kahled and Gamal Seif
with Kahled Seif, Gamal Seif, Aladin El-Kholy and Kahled Seif dancers
Tournee in Switzerland/Germany
Khaled Seif Company (CH)
Egyptian folklore and Oriental dances
Choreographer: Kahled Seif
Kaleidodanse - (Genova/IT)
Choreographer: Giovanna la Vecchia und Dario Greco
as a choreographer / als choreographin
"Entre Deux" - 2016
Creation for 3 Dancers and one musician
Premier: Kulturmarkt Zürich - Switzerland
further performances: Weltethos - Zürich
Theater am Gleis, Winterthur
"Spuren" - 2016
Creation for 5 dancers and one musician
together with Elena Morena Weber
Premier: Kulturmarkt Zürich - Switzerland
further performances:
Tanzfest Zürich
Ticino in Danza
"Of Earth and Lands" - 2014
Creation for 10 dancers of the El-Funoun Dance Company
Ramallah - Palestine
"Birds over no man's land - 2014
Solo for one Dancer
"Ladina und die Plunderlampe" - 2014
Märli Musical from and with Andrew Bond
"About Gaza" - 2013
Creation for 9 performers of the TDP Theatre
Gaza City - Palestine
"The Dice Player" - 2013
Solo for one Dancer
"Ben Ali Street" - 2012
Creation for two dancers
Dance & Choreography: Mirjam Sutter and Davide Bellotta
"Vis-à-Vis" - 2011
Full lengh show for Flamenco and Oriental Dance
with Ladina Bucher (Flamenco)
"Hip Hop meets Oriental Dance" - 2010
Creation for two dancers
Choreography & Dance: Mirjam Sutter and Steve Künezi
"Danusha" - 2010
Creation for two dancers
Dance & Choreography: Mirjam Sutter and Doriane Locatelli
"en mer" - 2010
Solo for one dancer
with live percussion of Ali Salvioni
"Judah Judah" - 2009
Sh'ma and Chana's Dance
Two solos for one dancer
"Aux Frontières" - 2007
full lengh show
with live music from Kamal Essahbi and Band
"Tangorientale" - 2006
Solo for one dancer
"Soleil d'Egypte" - 2005
Solo for one dancer
as a dancer independently with own creations/ anstellungen als tänzerin mit eigenen kreationen
Hip Hop meets Oriental Dance
Duett with the dancer Steve Küenzi
Performed for Tanznow! Urban Delights @ Phönix Theatre Steckborn
Performance "day of Palestine"
Hosted by Cafè Palestine - Birds over no man's land
"One step Beyond" - Improvisation Platform
Tanzhaus Zürich - hosted by Andrea Boll
Yeah Yeah Yeah - Festival
Presentation Dance movie "Entr'ouverte"
Hosted by Tanzlobby Zürich
Festival Bellyfusions, Paris (France)
Tribal Remix Festival, Brighton (U.K.)
LiteSide Festival, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Orientalhane Festival, Berlin (Deutschland)
12 Min Max, Tanzhaus Zürich (Schweiz)
Theater Sternenkeller, Rüti (Schweiz)
Raks Madrid, Madrid (Spanien)
Tanzparenz Festival, Dampfzentrale Bern (Schweiz)
awards/ auszeichnungen
1. Price 2011
"Die Golderne Karla"
Zentrum Karl der Grosse, Zürich
Duo together with the Flamenco dancer Ladina Bucher
1. Price 2010
Miss Danse Oriental Fusion
international dance competition, Vevey - Switzerland
2. Juni - 3. Juli 2017
Artistic Residency in Ramallah, Palestine
hosted by the El-Funoun Dance Company
supported by Kanton Zürich "Freiraum"